Thursday, 11 July 2013

Ground Floor Almost Complete; Joists Commenced

We met with our SS earlier this week at the Metricon sales office at Brooks Reach to discuss the progress of the build and the timeline for the next steps in the process.

The ground floor frame appears to be complete; and the beams to support the ground floor ceiling and first level floor (first floor joists) have started to go up. On the picture below, you can see joists as viewed from outside of the Family room looking into the Kitchen.

On the tiling front, we accepted the amended quotation provided by Metricon’s tiling partner, Di Lorenzo. We are happy that we managed to contain tiling upgrades to 2K.

We also received a call from Energy Connections NSW (ECNSW) regarding setting up gas and electricity accounts. Apparently, ECNSW will liaise with Metricon at the relevant stage of our build to get “connected”.


  1. Hey Venkat :)
    nice to see things moving along for you neighbour!!!
    We got a call from ECNSW a while ago too and were told Origin Energy would be our provider to start with and that when we receive our welcome pack we can cancel.change our provider with no contract fees etc

  2. Hi Ruby,

    Yeah, apparently, carpenters were on site yesterday and today - so, it would be interesting to check further developments.

    Every time, I go past your property, I hope to see your garage door installed, but I suppose the D day is yet to arrive.

    When we receive our welcome pack (after moving in) from Origin, I am going to switch providers. I have had a terrible experience with Origin over charging us in our previous rental property, and they are haunting me in our current rental property too. We were with another provider since moving into our current rental property and I received this letter in mail a few weeks ago stating Origin is our provider and if we do not call them, they would disconnect the supply of electricity. WTF!

    I am since following up to return to the electricity supplier I prefer...
